Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Animal Planet - Original Air Date: 2/24/2013

Matt, Cliff, Bobo, and Ranae go to the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee to investigate fuzzy game-cam photos by a veteran bigfoot hunter.  "Trail cam blob-squatch," Ranae says "A text book case of pareidolia."  (Like seeing Jesus in a toasted cheese sandwich.)  After a recreation with Bobo, even Matt agrees with Ranae (And I do, too; better chance of Russian car-cams catching bigfoot than Bigfoot Believers.)  Night investigation, town hall, camp out (Matt), and second night investigations follow -- as usual.

On both nights, they think they hear trees being pushed down (by a squatch) in response to a call by Ranae and a pig caller, but I'm starting to think this is all like the Ghost Hunter shtick: just noises in the dark -- like audio pareidolia.  I like witness stories as much as anyone (well, maybe not as much as Believers), but at some point, you have to get some concrete proof.  So far, this show has come up empty.

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